Extracció amb CO2 supercrític: II. Aplicacions a la indústria alimentària


  • Mercè Raventós Santamaria
  • D. Asensio
  • Juan José Calabuig Aracil


The extraction technique with supercritical fluids at food industries, and with CO2 as a solvent, is fully established, mainly in processes for caffeine extraction in coffee and tea, hops extraction, flavours and fragrances extraction from spices and aromatic herbs, as for cholesterol separation from butter, fats, meat and egg yolk. The SCE is a separation technique that is environmental friendly and can substitute progressively many of the extraction processes that use organic potentially toxic and flammable solvents and have a high cost. SCE shows a pretty good future due to its advantage for extraction and separation processes of active components in natural products. This article corresponds to an adaptation of the original that has been published in a Review at Food Science and Technology International (FSTI) (2002, October) and is the 5th chapter of the book about Emergent Technologies (2003, January).


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How to Cite

Raventós Santamaria, M., Asensio, D., & Calabuig Aracil, J. J. (2006). Extracció amb CO2 supercrític: II. Aplicacions a la indústria alimentària. TECA: Tecnologia I Ciència Dels Aliments, (9), 20–27. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TECA/article/view/3672.001




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