Llaurant la mar... l'aqüicultura i el repte dels 10^10 humans



The world population has been doubled during the last generation. It is foreseen that it will be stabilised in 40 or 50 years in between 9.000 and 10.000 million inhabitants. To keep this population alive, healthy, proper and educated is the main challenge of the technique at the XXI century. In the particular case of food, the problem is to obtain varied and high quality aliments for these people, with a convenient content of animal protein, in a sustainable way. To offer enough animal protein to a population of 10.000 million people it is necessary an increase of the crop areas that will, necessarily, have a severe impact in the natural environment. Research applied to the exploitation of the high capacity of primary production of the phytoplankton may turn in a basic tool to produce food for this population, particularly animal proteins, both from earth and marine origin, in a sustainable way, and with a variety and quality higher than nowadays.


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How to Cite

, . . (2007). Llaurant la mar. l’aqüicultura i el repte dels 10^10 humans. TECA: Tecnologia I Ciència Dels Aliments, (11), 15–20. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TECA/article/view/29831.001


