Playing to Define Science: a Dictionary of Words from Science Made by Children and for Children


  • Rosa Estopà Bagot


technical knowledge, lexicography, terminology, pedagogy


Scientific knowledge is represented and transferred through words that have a specialized, precise and concise meaning. Although it is the specialists who know and use the correct words that convey the knowledge of their field, the process of specialization is gradual and slow and hence a base of specialized knowledge begins to form in the first years of a person’s life. In this article, we present an innovative lexicographical application that we are developing as part of the Playing to Define Science project. One of the aims of this project is to turn primary school children into small lexicographers and draw up a dictionary of 100 science words created by and for 6 and 7-year-old children. We have based our studies on those that argue we build our scientific knowledge from the categorizations contained in our immediate environment.


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Author Biography

Rosa Estopà Bagot

Doctora en Lingüística per la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, on va defensar la tesi doctoral Extracció de terminologia: elements per a la construcció d'un SEACUSE l'any 1999 i per la qual va rebre el I Premi extraordinari de doctorat de l'Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA), el 2001, i la Menció honorífica atorgada per l'Associació Europea de Terminologia (EAFT) i l'International Information Centre for Terminology (INFOTERM) el 2006. Actualment, és professora titular del Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, on imparteix classes de llengua catalana, terminologia i lingüística. Com a membre del grup IULATERM, desenvolupa la seva recerca en l'àmbit de la terminologia, la neologia i la lexicografia. Algunes de les seves publicacions recents com a autora o editora són: EnRaonar: Lingüística teòrica i aplicada per a
la pràctica logopèdica (2011), Les paraules noves (2009), Parlant de
llengua amb nens i nenes (2005).




How to Cite

Estopà Bagot, R. (2012). Playing to Define Science: a Dictionary of Words from Science Made by Children and for Children. Terminàlia, 2(4), 25–33. Retrieved from


