Alimentació i gastronomia al diccionari normatiu


  • Mercè Lorente Casafont Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Joan Maria Romaní Olivé Societat Catalana de Terminologia


food, gastronomy, culture, dictionary


Food and gastronomy in the normative dictionary

Culinary terms are very present references in dictionaries. However, the lexicographical process carried out to present them is not always homogeneous. The reason for this can be attributed to the vague and cultural nature of this lexicon. On the one hand, the distinction between specialised lexicon and everyday lexicon in this domain is not clear; on the other hand, the cultural weight of these words leads lexicographers to insert values. In this article, we make a preliminary revision of the entries referring to food in the Diccionari de la llengua catalana (2007) to identify the inconsistent aspects of the lexicographical process of this class of words.


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Author Biography

Joan Maria Romaní Olivé, Societat Catalana de Terminologia

Llicenciat en Filologia Catalana per la UB (1980), ha treballat molts anys a la Direcció General de Política Lingüística. Membre de la Societat Catalana de Terminologia. Autor del Diccionari del vi i del beure. Des de gener del 2016, jubilat actiu al Montsià.


How to Cite

Lorente Casafont, M., & Romaní Olivé, J. M. (2019). Alimentació i gastronomia al diccionari normatiu. Terminàlia, 1(19), 7–16. Retrieved from


