A German-Chinese e-Dictionary of Manufacturing Technology in the Automotive Industry: The survey analysis of user needs


Mots-clés :

dictionary use, user needs, specialized dictionary, terminology, automotive Industry


This paper presents the analysis of user needs and lexical usage as a preliminary study of the German-Chinese Bilingual Dictionary of Manufacturing Technology in the Automotive Industry (hereinafter: GCMA dictionary project). The project aims to develop a bilingual dictionary to facilitate specialized communication within the automotive industry, targeting Chinese engineers, students, and interpreters. The research is based on data from an online questionnaire designed for potential dictionary users. As a pilot study, it explores the usage scenarios, identifies user profiles and preferences, and evaluates existing German-Chinese dictionaries in terms of their function and microstructure. The insights from this questionnaire provide valuable guidance for the design of dictionary entries and the development of lexicographical data.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Chenlu Yu, University Pompeu Fabra

Chenlu Yu és doctoranda a l’Institut de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA) de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Té un Màster Europeu en Lexicografia i experiència laboral en la indústria de l’automoció, la qual cosa l’ha motivada a explorar la lexicografia especialitzada bilingüe en aquest àmbit. La seva recerca se centra en el desenvolupament d’un diccionari especialitzat alemany-xinès en el camp de l’automoció, basat en la Teoria Comunicativa de la Terminologia (TCT).




Comment citer

Yu, C. (2024). A German-Chinese e-Dictionary of Manufacturing Technology in the Automotive Industry: The survey analysis of user needs. Terminàlia, 2(30), 40–53. Consulté à l’adresse https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/Terminalia/article/view/154413



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