Focus ans scope

100% of the journal's contents are reviewed and assessed by experts. All originals received for the ʻArticlesʼ section are subject to an external double-blind review. Originals intended for other sections are also the object of double review.

The Editorial Team is composed of:

  • an Editorial Council, which guarantees the quality of every issue and undertakes the editorial process,
  • an Advisory Council, including prominent figures in Catalan and international terminology, which oversees the journal's quality and the standards of its review process, and
  • a Scientific Council, including researchers of various nationalities from different domains of expertise, selected from among the external revisers who regularly cooperate with the journal.

For every original received, the Editorial Council verifies:

  • the article's interest for and relevance to its thematic domain, according to the journal's editorial criteria,
  • compliance with the standards required by the journal for the submission of originals.

Every manuscript complying with these requirements is subject to a double-blind review by two specialists in the article's subject matter who are external to the journal and linked to institutions other than those of the author or authors of the original undergoing assessment.

The revisers' comments are conveyed to the Editorial Council and the authors, and made available to other members of the Editorial Team.

Average time for reviews: 4 weeks.

In the event of a double-blind review with conflicting results, a third reviser is added.

The journal's Editorial Council communicates the revisers' decision to the authors. This may be: 

  • acceptance of the article with a view to its publication,
  • a proposal of modification and redrafting, with specific instructions for it to be reviewed again; or
  • the article's refusal.

Authors affected by the second decision must resubmit the new, revised version of the article. When changes requested have been minor or formal, the Editorial Council reviews these prior to the article's acceptance. When proposals have been substantial, the article revised by the author or authors is sent back to the external specialists, who must accept the changes and approve the article to allow its publication. Once approved by the external revisers, the article is further reviewed by the Editorial Council, which after acceptance finally dispatches it to print.