
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La tramesa no ha estat publicada anteriorment, ni tampoc no s’ha enviat anteriorment a una altra revista (o s’ha proporcionat una explicació a «Comentaris a l’editor/a»).
  • La tramesa s'ha enviat en un format MS Word o Open Office, o en qualsevol altre format de processador de textos. 
  • S’han proporcionat els URL per a les referències sempre que ha estat possible.
  • En el cos principal del text s'utilitza la lletra Times New Roman de 12 punts amb un interlineat d'un espai i mig. Totes les il·lustracions, figures i taules s’han ubicat a la posició que els correspon dins del text, i s'han enviat també en arxius complementaris amb bona resolució.
  • El text compleix els requisits estilístics i bibliogràfics establerts a la secció «Indicacions per als autors/es» de la pàgina «Quant a la revista».
  • Per a les trameses a seccions revisades per persones expertes, s’han seguit les instruccions de la secció «Com assegurar una revisió cega».

Author Guidelines

Terminàlia aims and scope

Terminàlia is the scientific journal of the Catalan Society of Terminology (Societat Catalana de Terminologia, SCATERM), an affiliated society to the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Catalan Language and Sciences Academy). It is published biannually in both paper and electronic versions since 2009.

The journal's main topic is terminology, but it also extends to other related domains: neology, lexicology, lexicography, analysis of specialised discourse, specialised translation, history of scientific discourse, language teaching for specific purposes, linguistic engineering applied to terminological work, linguistic corpora of specialised contents, etc.

The aims of this journal are to become a channel of reference for scientific debate and a way of international dissemination of research, training, planning, technological developments in terminology and related fields, and to serve as a communication channel, and expression of the various professional profiles linked to terminology.

The languages ??of Terminàlia are Catalan, and English. In the Articles section, articles in Spanish and French are also accepted.

100 % of the contents of the journal must be original papers and are reviewed and evaluated by experts. All the proposals received undergo double-blind external review.

Journal contents

Terminalia volumes are organized in the following fixed sections:

  • Articles, which contains original contributions.
  • Entrevista ('interview'), in which relevant specialists in various fields are interviewed to lead the contents of the volume.
  • Dossier, with original contributions from the topic for each issue.
  • Espai de trobada ('meeting space'), with chronicles of relevant events in the journal's areas of interest or with presentations of research projects..
  • Semblança ('portrait'), with original contributions dedicated to late relevant personalities linked to the topic of the journal.

The monographic contents of the six-monthly June issue focus on sectoral topics (for example, medicine, law, economics, or artificial intelligence) and those of the month of December, on transversal topics (for example, lexicography, teaching, translation, or standardization).

No charges to Authors

You can send your contributions by registering on the journal's Open Journal System (OJS) platform or by emailing at

This journal does not charge fees for submitting manuscripts, for article processing (APC)  or for the publication of articles.

The journal's contents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No-Derivative-Works 3.0 Spain license unless otherwise stated.

Cover letter for journal submission

The manuscript submission must include a short cover letter in which the author requests the evaluation of his work for possible publication and indicates the Section  he addresses. If the transmission is made through the OJS platform, the Section must be selected.

The cover letter must contain the following elements:

  • Title of the article in its original language and in English.
  • Full name of all authors with institutional affiliation, corresponding email and ORCID number.
  • Declaration on the adequacy of the work presented in the journal.
  • Declaration on the order of signature of the authors of the article. If the order of the authors is not alphabetical, it is necessary to indicate which model has been followed (for example, doctoral thesis author and thesis director; authors in alphabetical order and project director at the end, etc.).
  • Optional: Reference of the competitive project, research contract, or institution that has supported the article.
  • Optional: You can suggest up to four reviewers that you consider suitable for the review of your paper, as well as up to four reviewers that you would prefer not to be involved in the review of your paper. For this reason, it is necessary to indicate the name, institution, telephone, and e-mail of the proposed reviewers to evaluate their work (suggested referees cannot belong to the same institution as the authors of the manuscripts). Authors registered on the OJS platform can make suggestions on the corresponding page of the journal, in the "Comments for the editor" box, when they submit the article.


Authors registered on the OJS platform must make several declarations about authorship and proposal, filling in the boxes in the "Submission Checklist".

The submission should be not previously published, nor previously een submitted to another journal (or an explanation should be provided in "Comments to the Editor").

The submission should be sent in an MS Word or Open Office format, or in any other word processor format.

URLs for references  should be provided whenever possible.

The main body of the text should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-and-a-half-space spacing. All the illustrations, figures and tables should be placed in their positions in the text, and should also be sent in a complementary file with good resolution.

The text should meet the stylistic and bibliographic requirements established in the "Authors Guidelines" section of the journal's website

For submissions, the instructions in the "How to ensure blind review" section should be followed.

Copyright notice

Authors registered on the OJS platform must read the copyright assignment terms and fill in the corresponding acceptance box.

The intellectual property of articles belongs to the authors.

On submitting articles for publication to the journal Terminàlia, authors accept the following terms:

  1. Authors assign to SCATERM (a subsidiary of Institut d'Estudis Catalans) the rights of reproduction, communication to the public and distribution of the articles submitted for publication to Terminàlia.
  2. Authors are responsible to SCATERM for the authorship and originality of submitted articles.
  3. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for the reproduction of all graphic material included in articles.
  4. SCATERM declines all liability for the possible infringement of intellectual property rights by authors.
  5. The contents published in the journal, unless otherwise stated in the text or in the graphic material, are subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (by-nc-nd) 3.0 Spain licence, the complete text of which may be found at Consequently, the general public is authorised to reproduce, distribute and communicate the work, provided that its authorship and the body publishing it are acknowledged, and that no commercial use and no derivative works are made of it.
  6. The journal is not responsible for the ideas and opinions expressed by the authors of the published articles.

The authors agree to the terms of this Copyright Notice, which will apply when it is published by this journal (comments to the editor can be added below).

Manuscript modifications 

After the blind external peer-review, the authors will receive the communication of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. In the event that acceptance is conditioned on  revisions, the authors will receive the reviews by the external evaluators and, when applicable, by the Editorial Board, and will have a period of time to  send the revised manuscript.

During the layout process, authors will also receive proofs to review. At this point, if appropriate, they can also propose some minor amendments to improve the text.

Title of the article

The title must be written in the original language of the article and in English, and must clearly, accurately, and concisely reflect the importance and content of the paper.

Names of authors and ORCID number

Authors must appear in order according to the  instructions indicated in the cover letter.

Regarding the normalization of the names of authors, it is recommended to consult the following FECYT document:

It is important that, before submitting the manuscript, the authors obtain their respective ORCID numbers, which assign a unique digital identifier to each author  and avoid confusion between authors with identical or similar names.

Authors' affiliation and biography

In addition to the full name of the authors and the respective ORCID numbers, the e-mail address (preferably institutional) and the professional or academic affiliation, with the full name of universities, companies, or other bodies, must be indicated in the signature. Acronyms can be included, but always as a complement to the full name.

Apart from the institutional affiliation of the author, a brief biodata of each author should be included. The bio includes the specific affiliation of the research group, the department or research center, in addition to other information about training, previous publications or previous or current professional activity.

Additionally,  a photograph of each author should also be included. In the case of contributions with several authors, it is recommended to send a joint photograph.

Summary and keywords

All manuscripts addressed to the Articles and Dossier sections must include a structured summary, which clearly and concisely sets out the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions of the work. The abstract must be presented in the language of the article; and also in Catalan and English, when the original has not been written in any of these languages.

At the end of the abstract, the author must include from five to ten keywords that help index the article. You can use terms from specific or general thesauruses prepared by international reference bodies (like, for example, UNESCO). The keywords must be presented in the language of the article and also in Catalan and English.

Extension and structure of the article 

The maximum length of the document, including images, summaries and bibliography, cannot exceed 7,000 words.

The contents of the article must be structured in numbered sections, in no more than two or three levels.

It is recommended to follow a clear conventional structure for scientific articles, which may include the following sections:

  • Introduction / motivation / objectives / scientific or applied interest
  • Basic concepts / theoretical framework / background
  • Methodology (corpus, procedures, techniques)
  • Discussion / Data analysis / Argumentation
  • Results / Contributions / Conclusions
  • Bibliography
  • Footnotes

The footnotes that may be included in the  papers must be numbered notes at the end of the text. If authors refer to a project, contract or an organization that funded the research, it must be indicated in the first footnote. Notes may also include acknowledgments or brief supplementary explanations related to the contents of the main text. It is necessary to avoid bibliographical references in the footnotes, which must be cited within the text and included in the final bibliography list. It is recommended not to include more than 10 footnotes.


The references section (also numbered) must be included at the end of the paper. Only the references cited in the text should be included in the bibliography list.

Bibliographic references that appear in the text should be written in brackets as follows: (Last name of the author, year, p. 000-000.).

Terminalia follows the standard of the American Psychological Association (APA), with the variation of indicating the full given name of the cited authors, avoiding initials.

A full bibliography should be included at the end of the text, in alphabetical order and in accordance with the following examples. Authors' give names should be fully written instead of only using the first letter.

Name, First-Name; Name, First-Name (year). Book Title. Issue number. Place of publication: Publishing company.

Name, First-Name; Name, First-Name (year). « Chapter Title ». In : Name, First-Name; Name, First-Name (year). Book Title. Issue number. Place of publication: Publishing company, p. 000-000.  

Name, First-Name; Name, First-Name (year). « Article title ». Journal title, journal volume, journal issue (as mentioned in the original paper), p. 000-000.

Dictionary title. Issue number. Place of publication: Publishing company, year.

Name, First-Name; Name, First-Name (year). Titre [online]. Place of publication: Publishing company. [Consultation: day month year].

In the references section, it is advised to standardize all abbreviations in the following way(regardless they are singular or plural): ed (editor or editors), dir. (director or directors), coord. (coordinator or coordinators), p. (page or pages).

Graphic support material

The graphic support material (tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, figures) included in the article must also be presented in independent files separated from the text, preferably in TIIF or JPEG format, and with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Tables must be numbered and have a clear and concise explanatory title below the table.

The rest of the material must also be numbered with the indication of the Figure and have a clear and concise explanatory title below the table.


It is advised to use as less as possible acronyms in the body of the article. When acronyms are used, it should be revised that the first time is written with the full lexical form followed by the acronym in brackets. If acronyms are used to refer to bibliographical sources, they need to be mentioned in the bibliography at the end of the article.

Formal aspects

Format: Articles have to be submitted in a format supported by any text processor, preferably MS Word or Open Office. The file should include all the content of the article (title, author, body of the article, pictures, tables, bibliography, annexes, footnotes, abstracts, keywords) according to the required layout.

Character fonts: The body of the article and the bibliography should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font. Short quotations shall be included in the text using the Roman type and French quotation marks («»); and long quotations should be set apart in a new line, beginning with an indentation and written using the 11-point Times New Roman font. Footnotes, when present, should be written in Times New Roman, size 10.

Manuscript sections: The titles of the sections have to be numbered (for example: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2...), with the same font and size, in bold Roman type. The first line of each paragraph should begin with indentation.

Line spacing: 1,5 space.  There shall be no extra space between paragraphs. A blank line will be left between title and text and two blank lines between text and title.

Editorial process

The Editorial Board will inform the authors that they have received the submission. It will include an initial review to ensure the adequacy of the content and compliance with the journal's requirements. The paper will be sent anonymously to external reviewers. In case of dissimilar reviews, the paper will be sent to a third external reviewer.

The selection of reviewers is the responsibility of the editors of the journal, who take into account their academic, scientific curriculum and professional experience, including specialists of both national and international origin. Reviewers may occasionally be members of the Scientific Committee.

The decision on acceptance or rejection of works by the editors is based on the following factors: a) originality: full original text, new information, not repetition of known results; b) innovation and actual topic; c) relevance: applicability of the results for the resolution of specific problems; d) significance for the advancement of scientific knowledge; e) reliability and scientific validity: proven methodological quality; f) presentation: good writing, organization (logical coherence and material presentation).

The deadline for the external evaluation of the articles is from 6 to 8 weeks, after which the Editorial Board will communicate to the authors the result of the evaluation and the editorial decision (accepted / accepted with changes / rejected), with the feedback provided by the external reviewers and suggestions for improvement, if applicable.

In the event that changes to the original manuscript are requested in order to be definitively accepted, the authors will have between 4 and 8 weeks to resend the improved text.

Depending on the final acceptance date of the work, and  considering that the six-monthly issues are published in June and December, the full editorial process can range from six months to a year.

Dissemination of the journal's ethics for the authors 

We invite the authors to read the content of the "Ethics and good practices" section in the "About" section of the journal's platform, as a complement to these guidelines.

Topic: The Terminology of the Artificial Intelligence

Topic: Artificial Intelligence and Terminology

Biographical note: Juan-Carlos Sager (1929-2021)

Portrait: Juan-Carlos Sager

Privacy Statement

Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) complies with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016). In accordance with this regulation, we state that, with the acceptance of the publication rules, authors authorise that their personal data (forenames and surnames, contact data and affiliation data) may be published in the respective volume of the journal Terminàlia.

These data will be incorporated to a processing controlled by IEC for the purpose of managing this publication. The authors’ data will be used solely for managing the publication of the journal Terminàlia and they will not be transferred to third parties nor will transfers be made to third countries or to international organisations. Once Terminàlia has been published, these data will be stored as part of the historical record of authors. Authors may exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction of processing and portability by addressing themselves in writing to Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Carrer del Carme, 47, 08001 Barcelona, Spain) or by sending an e-mail to the address, in which the publication in question should be specified.