Diffusion policy

The Society of Catalan Terminology (SCATERM) announces the publication of each issue of the journal via email, to its members, to the sections of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans and to other affiliated societies. In addition, it publishes the news of the appearance of each issue on its website and on its Twitter account @scaterm.

The Institut d'Estudis Catalans announces the publication of each issue of the magazine in the news on its website, in the monthly bulletin and on its Twitter account @iec.

TERMINÀLIA editors send information about the publication of each issue of the journal and calls for articles to various distribution lists, networks and national and international associations, among which it is worth noting the Asociación Europea de Lenguas para fines específicos (AELFE), the European Association for Terminology (EAFT)REALITER red panlatina de terminología, and RITERM Red Iberoamericana de Terminología.