Eduard Fontserè and his work Assaig d’un vocabulari meteorològic català (Essay on a Catalan Meteorological Vocabulary): Terminological precision, linguistic interest and dialectal basis



terminology, meteorology, terminological dictionary, terminological principles, dialectal variation, traditional terms


Eduard Fontserè i Riba (Barcelona, 1870-1970) was a leading scientist in the fields of astronomy, meteorology and seismology. As the founder and first director of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia, he is considered the father of professional Catalan

meteorology. One of the outstanding works in his bibliography is Assaig d’un vocabulari meteorològic català (Essay on a Catalan Meteorological Vocabulary, 1948), which is still today a reference dictionary for meteorology experts. The importance of this work, however, is not limited to the field of meteorology since it can also be considered a pioneering and highly significant dictionary in the context of terminology as a discipline, for both its methodology and its scope.


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Author Biography

Marta Sabater Berenguer, TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia

Marta Sabater Berenguer és llicenciada en Traducció i Interpretació per la Universitat Pompeu Fabra i té un màster en lingüística aplicada per la mateixa universitat. Des del 2005 forma part de l’equip del TERMCAT, on ha treballat especialment en l’àmbit de la normalització terminològica i l’elaboració de diccionaris especialitzats. Actualment és la responsable del portal Terminologia de les ciències de la Terra.




How to Cite

Sabater Berenguer, M. (2024). Eduard Fontserè and his work Assaig d’un vocabulari meteorològic català (Essay on a Catalan Meteorological Vocabulary): Terminological precision, linguistic interest and dialectal basis. Terminàlia, 1(29), 7–12. Retrieved from


