“A robust work of beauty and quality”: provisions on the renovation of Huesca’s Great Synagogue and its Jewish aljama


  • Javier Castaño Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Madrid)


synagogue, Aragon, Middle Ages, Jews, building, architecture, brescado, Bernart d’Ortoneda, mudejarismo, alfarje


In 2006, Jaume Riera i Sans published Els poders públics i les sinagogues (segles XIII-XV), a book based on the analysis of textual evidence, with the stated purpose of “writing history” (“ fer història”). Compiling a valuable corpus of documents, he put forward a new history of the Jews in the lands of the Crown of Aragon in the Late Middle Ages through the study of their synagogues. This article offers an edition and analysis of a singular document, written in Hebrew letters and the Aragonese vernacular, which contains provisions on the renovation of the panelled ceiling of Huesca’s Great Synagogue in 1469. On the basis of that text, the article looks at some important aspects of the social and religious history of Huesca’s Jewish aljama in the last third of the 15th century, as well as of relations between Christians and Jews, encompassing synagogues and documented renovation work.

Keywords: synagogue, Aragon, Middle Ages, Jews, building, architecture, brescado, Bernart d’Ortoneda, mudejarismo, alfarje


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Author Biography

Javier Castaño, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Madrid)

Investigador Científico. Departamento de estudios judíos e islámicos. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid





