El tratamiento lexicográfico de elementos cultos (The lexicographic treatment of classical elements in Spanish)


  • Bibiana Ruby Castillo Benitez Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento


neology, lexicography, combining forms, morphology


This study seeks to contribute to the description of the behaviour of combining forms in the creation of new words in Spanish, and the lexicographic representation of such forms. For this purpose, we will study neologisms formed with eco-, foto-, narco-, tecno- and tele-. We will also analyse the lexicographic entries of these forms in several language dictionaries to determine the conformity of their lexicographic representation with the results of our analysis.


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Author Biography

Bibiana Ruby Castillo Benitez, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Profesora Universitaria en Educación Superior de Lengua y Literatura. Becaria en Lenguaje, Comunicación y Cultura en el programa de Becas de Formación en docencia e investigación para graduados de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. 



How to Cite

Castillo Benitez, B. R. (2020). El tratamiento lexicográfico de elementos cultos (The lexicographic treatment of classical elements in Spanish). Terminàlia, (22), 7–18. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/Terminalia/article/view/148182


