La predicació del cristianisme als jueus de Cervera (1339-1492)


  • Josep Maria Llobet i Portella


Numerous documents refer to the preaching carried out in Cervera by various friars of different orders, as well as other individuals, during the Middle Ages. In general, these preaching activities were addressed to Christian audiences during Lent and other major festivals. Nevertheless, sometimes the preaching was aimed not at the Christian faithful, but at the Jews among the local population, as is obvious from the documents themselves. In this study, we transcribe nine documentary texts, preceded by a commentary, which provide information concerning those preachers, many of whom were converted Jews. We have taken into account only those documents which explicitly state that the preaching was aimed at Jews; the one exception is the case of Vincent Ferrer, who, as medieval texts suggest, and provided that he was one and the same as the Dominican friar by that name, very likely preached to the Jews during the time he spent in Cervera. According to the documents consulted, the preachers who addressed their efforts to the Jews were the following: 1339. Pere Ferràndiz, convert. He may have been the converted Jew, Pedro Fernández de Tudela, who was probably born in Tudela, Navarre. 1410. Vincent Ferrer, a teacher of holy scripture. There is documentary evidence that in 1409 Friar Vincent Ferrer, together with several companions, spent some time in Cervera. According to the account given by Jaume Villanueva, we believe that the Master Vincent Ferrer referred to in the records of Cervera is the same Dominican friar who was later elevated to sainthood. 1417. Gil Benet, convert. This teacher preached in the church of Santa Maria, Cervera, over a period of three days, to both Jews and Christians. In 1426, this same preacher again gave sermons in the church of Santa Maria, Cervera, before a congregation of Jews and Christians. 1431. Lucas. We find that, at least in 1431, the Jews of Cervera were obliged by a court order to attend the sermon given by this preacher. 1431. Gilabe


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