The menu for change


  • Ricard Celorio-Sardà Institut d'Estudis Catalans
  • Júlia Montoliu-Boneu


sustainability, planetary health, new generations, entrepreneurship.


Responsible for a large percentage of greenhouse gas emissions as well as of energy waste, deforestation and soil quality loss, the food system’s size and continuous need for production make it a key element within the framework of sustainability. In a society that increasingly values the transition towards planet- friendly alternatives, a group of young activists was created to make a positive contribution to our food system’s increased sustainability. This group drafted a manifesto that set out some points in need of immediate action. These points included food accessibility, regenerative agriculture, food waste control measures, food education, revaluation of food guides and food labelling according to planetary health diets as well as a true cost-accounting approach for the food market. This document, called Menu4Change, was presented at the Future of Food Conference (2021), receiving a very warm welcome from industry stakeholders and policy makers. The creation of young activist groups such as this one reflects the need for change in today’s paradigm as well as the young people’s demand to be heard. The transition towards sustainability cannot ignore future consumers, leaders and politicians. We demand spaces where our voice may be heard and where our opinion can be valued, in order to build a better future for our planet, driven by climate responsibility.


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Author Biographies

Ricard Celorio-Sardà, Institut d'Estudis Catalans

Dietista-nutricionista. Màster en Salut Pública i Seguretat Alimentària. Doctorand en ciències de l’alimentació. Expresident de FEDNU. Future food maker a l’EIT Food.

Júlia Montoliu-Boneu

Farmacèutica i dietista-nutricionista. Future food maker a l’EIT Food.


How to Cite

Celorio-Sardà, R., & Montoliu-Boneu, J. (2022). The menu for change. TECA: Tecnologia I Ciència Dels Aliments, 21, 33–37. Retrieved from




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