Practical aspects of the diet of people with diabetes


  • Marta Ros Baró Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Gloria Arbonés Vilà


Diabetes, food, diet recommendations, interactions, carbohydrate portions.


Given the importance of diet for people with diabetes, both for health and glycaemia regulation, some of the factors that can affect a diet’s effectiveness are analysed in this paper. Criteria for the proper use of nutrients are provided, considering not only what is eaten but also how, in what amount and with what else is eaten. The amount of information supplied by the patient and the patient’s motivation are essential. With their opinions and comments, patients help to solve practical aspects like meal preparation for mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. The importance of possible interactions between nutrients is examined. Such interactions may have negative or positive effects. The approach presented in this work seeks to improve diet planning by taking these interactions into account. The nutritional study of the patient is also important. In many cases, patients may need diets with specific characteristics and/or nutritional supplements. Pharmacological treatment, which should be considered in medication plans and should always be up to date, deserves special attention, as it may interact with nutrients and have side effects on the carbohydrate metabolism.In this first phase of our research study, we raise the wareness of the need to promote and to enhance the multidisciplinary care of diabetic patients, who should form a fundamental part of the caregiving team.

KEYWORDS: Diabetes, food, diet recommendations, interactions, carbohydrate portions.


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Author Biographies

Marta Ros Baró, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Nutricionista i llicenciada en Tecnologia dels aliments.
Professora col·laboradora de Ciències de la Salut de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Editora del Lèxic científi c gastronòmic a El Bulli Foundation, sota la direcció de Ferran Adrià. Dietista i tecnòloga dels aliments de l’Associació de Diabetis de Catalunya (ADC).

Gloria Arbonés Vilà

Farmacèutica i màster en Nutrició dietètica. Membre del Col·legi de Farmacèutics de Lleida. Divulgadora de temes de diabetis i coautora de publicacions de nutrició i geriatria.


How to Cite

Ros Baró, M., & Arbonés Vilà, G. (2019). Practical aspects of the diet of people with diabetes. TECA: Tecnologia I Ciència Dels Aliments, 18, 42–51. Retrieved from




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