Forty years of social perception of food and diet


  • Abel Mariné i Font Universitat de Barcelona


Social perception of food, diet and health, pseudoscience.


Society’s perception of food and diet depends on many cultural, social and emotional factors. The consumers’ viewpoints, from as far back as the 1940’s, through the 1970s and 1980s when the ACCA was created, and up to the present day’s issues, are reviewed within the framework of the ACCA’s 40 years of activity.
Scientifi c and dissemination factors that infl uence to the public are assessed, as are the effects of the mass media, the public (legislative) administrations and the food industry. The fact that the scientifi c data do not always reach all consumers in a duly explained way or are not always well interpreted and put into practice is considered, to which must be added the infl uence of false myths and beliefs. All this determines that many diets and ways of eating are wrong, with the consequent negative infl uence on individual and collective health. The evolution of the social perception of the value of bread as food serves as an example. Future outlooks in this area are also considered, based on the food-related values in a developed urban society, in which there is an accumulation of fake news causing many consumers to pay more attention to pseudoscience and esoteric ideas than to scientifi c rationality.

KEYWORDS: Social perception of food, diet and health, pseudoscience.


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Author Biography

Abel Mariné i Font, Universitat de Barcelona

Catedràtic emèrit de Nutrició i Bromatologia. Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l’Alimentació. Campus de l’Alimentació. Universitat de Barcelona.


How to Cite

Mariné i Font, A. (2019). Forty years of social perception of food and diet. TECA: Tecnologia I Ciència Dels Aliments, 18, 10–21. Retrieved from


