Humanistic didactics in the 21st century


  • Joan Mallart i Navarra Departament de Didàctica i Organització Educativa. Facultat d’Educació. Universitat de Barcelona


humanistic pedagogy, curriculum, educational competences, teaching methods, learning strategies.


Does it make any sense to speak of humanistic didactics now, in the 21st century? Our response should be affirmative if the valuable objectives which are set are favorable to people and if we promote an integral education. Is there only one methodology to achieve learning? Clearly not, because every situation is unique and each team of teachers may have preferences for a methodology adapted to the needs of their specific environment. How far is it right to talk about general didactics versus specific didactics at this moment? It would appear to be an increasingly pointless distinction. Should learning activities be organized around the curriculum areas instead of working with projects? If they are applied well, both solutions can be useful. In any case, the team of teachers must believe in what it does. The schedule, the organization and the atmosphere of the classroom are not superfluous, but rather basic conditions leading to the success of the process. With respect to timing, schedules and calendars, we highlight the paradigm of slow pedagogy (Zavalloni, 2011; Domènech, 2009). And in connection with the use of space in the classroom, we should be aware of the proposals Malaguzzi (2005). Space and time contribute to improving the classroom climate based on good human relationships (Van Manen 1998, 2004).

Didactics; humanistic pedagogy; curriculum; educational competences; teaching methods; learning strategies.


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How to Cite

Mallart i Navarra, J. (2016). Humanistic didactics in the 21st century. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 10, 149–162. Retrieved from


