Genomics, personalized nutrition and the immune system


  • Gloria Sabater Sales Universitat de Mons
  • José Manuel Borrego Burón Universitat de Barcelona


genetics, immunity, nutrition, personalized diet, predictive medicine, polymorphisms.


One of the current goals of nutrition research is to improve health by personalizing the diet. The discipline of nutrigenetics has evolved to address this problem. Currently, several genes have been identified as having polymorphisms that entail a significant disadvantage for the health of the immune system and that can be overcome with dietary interventions. One of the key participants in the nutrition-immunity-genetics interaction are vitamins. There are genes with polymorphisms that may predispose people to have different vitamin needs than those of the usual protocol. Since immune activation is a metabolically demanding process, an immune response generates a large amount of free radicals. Fortunately, our body has a series of enzymes specialized in neutralizing these radicals and their effects: this is our antioxidant defense. However, these enzymes and other factors may have genetic variants that weaken this protection. Lastly, several genetic polymorphisms have been described that affect the proper functioning of pathogen recognition and signaling mechanisms, and that predispose to infection. A good diet is essential for the proper functioning of our immune system. However, not every diet is optimal for every patient, and this will depend on individuals’ life habits and also on their genetics. We can see how the decoding of the human genome and the development of new and improved analytical technology allow us to find genetic differences between people that, through many studies, provide the possibility of establishing risk factors for certain pathologies. With a predictive vision we can evaluate how to prevent and act through a personalized strategy on the lifestyle, nutrition and supplementation necessary for each individual in order to live healthier in all respects.


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Author Biographies

Gloria Sabater Sales, Universitat de Mons

Doctora en farmàcia. Farmacèutica especialista en anàlisi i control de medicaments i drogues. Especialista en medicina antienvelliment per la Universitat de Mons a Charleroi. Especialista en genòmica nutricional.

José Manuel Borrego Burón, Universitat de Barcelona

Farmacèutic i expert en estadística aplicada a la indústria farmacèutica per la Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Integrant del Departament de Genòmica a Eugenomic.


How to Cite

Sabater Sales, G., & Borrego Burón, J. M. (2021). Genomics, personalized nutrition and the immune system. TECA: Tecnologia I Ciència Dels Aliments, 20, 22–30. Retrieved from




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