Communicating through publicity



publicity, public relations campaign, visibility, reputation, cancer research project, cost-effectiveness.


The aim of this article is twofold: to show how to build an effective publicity strategy in a true application process and to explain how the return generated by a public relations campaign addressed to gaining visibility and reputation for a little-known team, Targetslab, can be measured. By means of an ad hoc methodology based on costeffectiveness (Likely, 2012; López del Castillo-Wilderbeek, 2020), the viability is tested of the model that combines different ROI parameters: the saving of financial expenses (tangible) combined with achieved communicative values (intangible) such as visibility (Theaker, 2004; Capriotti, n.d.) and reputation (Pursals, 2014; Capriotti, 2012). The model was tested in the presentation of the innovative project ONCOen3D. The result had a media impact of 53 news items which, if they had had to be paid, would have cost more than 42,000 euros. Thanks to the publicity achieved, ONCOen3D became known in countries such as Germany, Italy and Romania.


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How to Cite

Espinosa i Mirabet, S., & Puntí Brun, M. (2024). Communicating through publicity. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’Ànàlisi, 41(1), 115–133. Retrieved from


