Sistema pedagògic i competències bàsiques


  • Martí Teixidó i Planas


Pedagogical system and key skills. Developing a skills-based school curriculum is an orientation that is promoted in the European Union, in Spain and in Catalonia in order to solve the lack of effectiveness of the education offered in general to all young citizens up to the age of sixteen. This paper aims to reinforce this orientation by setting it within the context of those contributions that adapt schools to the social reality and perform an updated re-reading of teaching methods pioneered in the 20th century in the currents of the École Active or of Progressive Education, both regrettably ignored. The principles are clearly the same; the procedures and organisation have to fit todays pupils and the cultural and technological uses of todays society. Surprisingly, the diversity of forms of school activity, so difficult in the 20th century due to the high number of pupils in classrooms and the lack of means, is today very possible thanks to information and communication technologies and the abundance of publications and information sources available. It is necessary to abandon the idea of uniform learning for all pupils once and for all, to revise the grouping of pupils by age and to organise activities with a change of subject every hour. All this has to be considered with a vision of system, of pedagogical method, so that all decisions have a coherent explanation founded in scientific knowledge and not in fads or trends.


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How to Cite

Teixidó i Planas, M. (2012). Sistema pedagògic i competències bàsiques. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 7, 213–248. Retrieved from



Monographic issue: competences, curriculum and pedagogical systems. The why of things