L'Ensenyament de les llengües a Catalunya : cap a un model català romanístic amb anglès com a llengua franca


  • Martí Teixidó i Planas


In Catalunya, there is a sociolingual environment so to think an owner model of language teaching. This has made about the catalan and castilian languages but teaching of foreign languages follow general models ignoring the lingual competency obtained for children five years old. The author put forward to realize a pedagogic diagnosis and to predict success, inviting pupils with high competency on both usual roman languages to learn French language, close and roman also, before beginning English language, a learning really necessary for all so lingua franca in all the world. Pupils who would had followed this way would have passive knowledge (reading and listening understanding) of a lot roman languages and on this solid base would increase English learning equal or better than partners that begun two years before. This pedagogic proposal its possible to justify by psychology as neuroscience and it concerns the sociolingual analysis so thus the author suggest would be studied by a multidiscipline team.


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How to Cite

Teixidó i Planas, M. (2009). L’Ensenyament de les llengües a Catalunya : cap a un model català romanístic amb anglès com a llengua franca. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 6, 77–91. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/RCP/article/view/49493.001



Dossier: The International Year of Languages and the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008