About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Arxiu de Textos Catalans Antics is an annual publication that engages in the publishing of editions, studies and exhibitions of positive science, albeit without excluding other types of research, related to authors and the work of Catalan or anonymous authors before the 19th century, regardless of the language in which they were written, in view of the fact that Catalan people historically travelled extensively and settled in different parts of the world in the period in question.
The yearbook is intended for the international scientific community that works in the field of the humanities and the related sciences and technologies. ATCA’s pages are therefore open to text editions, studies about anonymous authors and works, translations and other contributions pertaining to anonymous authors and works, such as descriptions of manuscripts, incunabula, old editions, news about works and their sources, copyists, paper mills, palaeography, miniature, typography, bibliographers, booksellers, book merchants, libraries and pedagogical studies.
The semantic content of the publication extends to the entire geographic and historic arc over which Catalan language has spread, and to all the kingdoms and lands that were part of the Catalan-Aragonese Crown. It also comprises studies pertaining to texts by non-Catalan authors and to anonymous non-Catalan works related to the aforementioned geographic and historic area.
Since numerous scholars the world over engage in the field of study in question, ATCA also disseminates the work of others in the form of bulletins and reviews.