From initial language to identification language in Catalonia: Who adopts Catalan and who moves away from it Authors Albert Fabà Prats Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística. Institut d’Estudis Catalans Joaquim Torres-Pla Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística. Xarxa CRUSCAT. Institut d’Estudis Catalans Keywords: advance of Catalan, regression of Catalan, linguistic uses, initial language, identification language, initial language of the couple, family geographical origin. Abstract This paper looks at the linguistic uses and the principal characteristics of the two groups in which changes occur on moving from the initial language to the identification language (advance of Catalan and regression of Catalan). It also compares these linguistic uses with those of two other groups: the Catalan-speaking homolinguals (who have Catalan as both their initial language and identification language) and the Spanish-speaking homolinguals. A set of hypotheses are established, which are confirmed in their great majority albeit with certain nuances.Keywords: advance of Catalan, regression of Catalan, linguistic uses, initial language, identification language, initial language of the couple, family geographical origin. Downloads Download data is not yet available. Author Biography Joaquim Torres-Pla, Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística. Xarxa CRUSCAT. Institut d’Estudis Catalans Expresident de la Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística i membre del CRUSCAT Downloads PDF (Català) Published 2020-07-14 Issue No. 30: Trajectòries sociolingüístiques: nous i vells parlants Section Secció monogràfica. «Trajectòries sociolingüístiques: nous i vells parlants»