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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The work has not been previously published, nor has it been previously submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided to "Comment to the editor").
  • The format of the file is in Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • URLs for references are provided whenever possible.
  • The text is in 1.5 line spacing, uses a 12-point font and applies italics to the subtitles (except for the URL addresses). All the illustrations, figures and texts are located in the position that corresponds to them, and not at the end of the text.
  • The text completes the stylistic and bibliographical requirements established in the section «Instructions for authors» " 
  • The revision process by expert reviewers is done following the instructions given at "How to ensure a double blind peer review".

Author Guidelines

Comunicació. Revista de Recerca i d’Anàlisi is a scientific journal published by the Catalan Communication Society that publishes previously unpublished articles on communication as a social science. The journal, published twice yearly, is governed by a system of anonymous external reviewers. The journal does not charge any article processing or submission fees
1. Editorial procedure
Original articles will be evaluated initially by the journal editors. If they consider that an article complies with the submission rules and is thematically suitable, it will be sent for peer-review by independent experts, who will blind-review the article, and rate it as accepted, rejected, or provisionally accepted with revision. If provisionally accepted, the author(s) are required to make the requested changes before returning the duly modified original, which will be re-examined by the editors to decide whether the requested changes have been addressed. 
2. Free access policy 
This journal provides immediate free access to its content based on the principle that making research freely available to the public promotes the global exchange of knowledge. The journal adheres to the free access definition of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI): “By open access [to peer-reviewed research], we mean free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only limitation on reproduction and distribution and the sole role of exploitation rights in this area should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly recognized and cited.” 
3. Submission rules 
We accept unpublished articles not in the process of being published in other journals. Articles may be written in Catalan, other Romance languages, or English. As for content, this should analyse aspects and areas of communication as a social science.
Articles should be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the journal section the article corresponds to, stating that the article is the original work of the author(s), and granting permission to Comunicació. Revista de Recerca i d’Anàlisi to make the appropriate formal changes.
All article authors must have made a significant contribution to the work, understood as an intellectual contribution to research design and results analysis, and active participation in critical review of the manuscript. Individuals not complying with these criteria should be included in the acknowledgements section. 
4. Formal aspects  
Articles must be submitted in an editable format so that they can be anonymized for peer review. The article must not contain any information that might identify the authors (e.g., previous research, or expressions that refer to previous research, etc). 
Articles must meet the following conditions to be submitted for review. 
The first page must contain a title in Catalan, English, and the original language;  author names, in order, followed by position or profession, affiliation, city, country, and email of the author; and  the full postal address of the corresponding author (indicated by an asterisk). 
This first page must include an unstructured abstract in Catalan, English, and in the original language (100-150 words each), and six keywords in each language.
Article word count should be a minimum of 6,000 words and a maximum of 8,000. Articles  must be structured using the standard scientific layout, as follows: an  introductory or theoretical section, reviewing previous research and describing research hypotheses;  a methods section, describing the methodology used and sampling and data collection mechanisms (note that this section must be suitably detailed and robustly explained); a results section, describing the main results obtained, and  including tables and figures (recommended), provided they are not redundant with information already supplied in the text;  and a final section discussing findings and drawing conclusions. If the type of article (e.g., reviews or theoretical works) requires it, article structure may be modified at the discretion of the author. 
Following the conclusions, funding received (if any) must be indicated. It is recommended to include an acknowledgements section (for all contributions other than authorship), and a statement indicating possible conflicts of interest. 
The article must be written in 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman), line spacing must be 1.5 and pages must be numbered. 
5. Footnotes, citations, and references
Footnotes (10-point font), consecutively numbered from beginning to end of the article, should be placed at the end of the document.
In-text quotations should be in roman type within quotation marks. References should be listed at the end of the document, cited in-text as <Author, year: page>. Example: (Moragas, 1992: 25). Page numbers  are not needed if the citation is merely a general reference to the topic or the work.
The recommended bibliography and cited references should follow IEC criteria.
- All details must be in Catalan, except for the title, proper names (including publisher names), and place names that have not been Catalanized .
- Exclude “SA”, “SL”, “Co” , “Ltd”, etc, and also “Editions”, “Editorial”, “Publishing”, etc in relation to publishers, except where their exclusion may cause confusion or are closely linked to the name, such as “Edicions 62”, “Edicions del País Valencià”, etc.
- Referencing style is as follows:
Izuzquiza, I. (1990). La sociedad sin hombres. Barcelona: Anthropos.
Book chapters
Díaz Nosty, B. (1989). “La proyección multimedia en España”. A: Timoteo Álvarez, J. (ed.). Historia de los medios de comunicación en España. Madrid: Ariel. (Ariel Comunicación), p. 60-120.
Journal articles
Bustamante, E. (1995). “El sector audiovisual. Grandes expectativas, profundas incertidumbres”. Telos [Madrid], núm. 41 (març), p. 12-25.
Electronic resources
Institut d’Estudis Catalans (1997). Diccionari de la llengua catalana [en línia]. 2a ed. Barcelona: IEC. <> [Consulta: 28 abril 2010].
Codina, L. (2010). “Diagrama y directorio sobre Ciencia 2.0 / E-Ciencia (v. 2010)” [en línia]. <> [Consulta: 15 març 2010].
- For more than one work by the same author(s), order them chronologically, and from the second entry, replace the author(s)’ name(s) with an m-dash: 
Zallo, R. (1988). Economía de la comunicación y de la cultura. Madrid: Akal. (Akal, Comunicación; 3)
— (1992). El mercado de la cultura: Estructura económica y política de la comunicación. Donostia: Tercera Prensa. (Gakoa Liburuak; 15)
- For more than one work by the same author(s) in the same year, order them alphabetically by title, and label the years a, b, c, etc:
Zallo, R. (1989a). “Evolución en la organización de las industrias culturales”. A: Timoteo Álvarez, J. (ed.). Historia de los medios de comunicación en España. Madrid: Ariel. (Ariel Comunicación)
— (1989b). “Las formas dominantes de concentración en las industrias culturales”. Telos [Madrid], núm. 18, p. 25-55.
- When authorship of entries is similar but not exactly the same, create a new entry:
Bustamante, E. (1982). Los amos de la información en España. Madrid: Akal.
Bustamante, E.; Zallo, R. (coord.) (1988). Las industrias culturales en España. Madrid: Akal. (Akal, Comunicación; 2)
- Note that the name of any collection (and any corresponding number) should be included after the publisher’s name (e.g., “Akal, Comunicación”, “Biblioteca A Tot Vent”, “Ariel, Comunicación”, “GG, MassMedia”, etc). 
- After the author(s)’ name(s), indicate, when applicable, whether they are the editor, coordinator, or compiler:
Bolòs, O. de [et al.] (comp.) (1998). Atlas corològic de la flora vascular dels Països Catalans. Vol. 8. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans. (ORCA: Atlas Corològic; 8)
- Indicate the number of volumes, if applicable, after the publisher’s name. If any particular volume is cited, indicate this after the title, along with the volume title (if any):
Tasis, R.; Torrent, J. (1966). Història de la premsa catalana. Barcelona: Bruguera. 2 v.
Martínez Sancho, V. (1991). Fonaments de física. Vol. 1: Mecànica, ones i electromagnetisme clàssics. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana. (Biblioteca Universitària; 9)
- Provide information on edition (if not the first) after the title:
Dickens, Ch. (1972). Pickwick: documents pòstums del club d’aquest nom. 2a ed. Barcelona: Proa. 2 v. (Biblioteca A Tot Vent; 154)
- Abbreviations for editions (not applicable to reprints): 
ed. augm. Augmented edition
ed. corr. Corrected edition
ed. rev. Revised edition
2nd ed. (3rd, 4th, etc). Second, third, fourth etc edition.
- Other referencing abbreviations (when publisher, place of publication, or year is unknown):
[s. n.] publisher unknown 
[s. ll.] place unknown 
[s. a.] year unknown 

Privacy Statement

Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) complies with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016). In accordance with this regulation, we state that, with the acceptance of the publication rules, authors authorise that their personal data (forenames and surnames, contact data and affiliation data) may be published in the respective volume of Comunicació. Revista de recerca i d'anàlisi.

These data will be incorporated to a processing controlled by IEC for the purpose of managing this publication. The authors’ data will be used solely for managing the publication of the journal and they will not be transferred to third parties nor will transfers be made to third countries or to international organisations. Once the journal has been published, these data will be stored as part of the historical record of authors. Authors may exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction of processing and portability by addressing themselves in writing to Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Carrer del Carme, 47, 08001 Barcelona, Spain) or by sending an e-mail to the address, in which the publication in question should be specified.