Del treball d'aula a les competències bàsiques


  • Víctor Manuel González Vega
  • Joan Manuel Barceló i Sitges
  • Anna Metje Cadenas


From classroom work to key skills. The article summarises a project carried out by a group of school teachers at the Narcís Xifra Secondary School in Girona. Their aim was to include key skills not only in the programming phase but also in classroom activities and to encourage the involvement of a maximum number of teachers. To go ahead with the project, they first had to have a very clear idea about what they considered key skills to involve. Each member defined the skills and their relationship with the different subjects and described how to adapt each one to diversity groups. The group of teachers then took the innovative decision to concretise the skills in teaching-learning activities. This led to the drafting of four grids, one for each level of compulsory secondary education (12-16 yrs, ESO), which included activities or content from each subject (agreed by departments) allowing for overlaps between materials, skills and ESO levels. By the beginning of the school year, they were able to present the index of a framework programme for all teachers to use as well as monitoring instruments to assess the approved classroom activities. The ambitious project is currently at a mid-way stage.


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How to Cite

González Vega, V. M., Barceló i Sitges, J. M., & Metje Cadenas, A. (2012). Del treball d’aula a les competències bàsiques. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 7, 311–329. Retrieved from



Monographic issue: competences, curriculum and pedagogical systems. The why of things