Trust and connection in the artificial intelligence educational ecosystem: From algorithmism to algoritharism



trust, evidence-based practice, EBP, practice-informed education, PIE, algorithmism, algoritharism, governance


This paper addresses the role of trust and emotional connection in the learning process as a human mechanism for social construction, and its adaptation to an emerging educational ecosystem where artificial intelligence (AI) performs various teaching tasks and trend analysis. Likewise, it highlights widespread concerns about the arbitrariness and biases of algorithms in decision-making based on vast data archives (big data). Methodologically, this paper presents neither a case study nor experimental results based on events. Rather, it establishes a mindset that can open a field of future study. Descriptive analysis is used to detect terms, ideas and concepts that will provide elements for a further study of word frequencies and other linguistic analyses (usage of key words, etc.) to elaborate consciousness acquisition and social transformation processes. In sum, the paper discusses the role of trust in educational matters, from creating emotional bonds in the classroom to the institutional credibility conflict arising from the use of AI algorithms in decision-making to replace scientific evidence (acceptance of algorithmism) or the suspicion that AI arouses in terms of privacy, security, and impartiality (rejection of algoritharism).


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How to Cite

Lorenzo Galés, N. (2024). Trust and connection in the artificial intelligence educational ecosystem: From algorithmism to algoritharism. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 26, 4–37. Retrieved from