Phonological variation in the Catalan spoken in Barcelona: the xava accent


  • Jordi Ballart Macabich Centre de Normalització Lingüística de l’Hospitalet


language variation, xava Catalan, linguistic variable, social variable, prestige, Barcelona.


This article is a study of urban sociophonetics that displays a number of phonological variation patterns in a Barcelona accent of Catalan known as xava, which formed part of the author’s research for his doctoral dissertation. The distinctive features of this accent include the typical lower schwa vowel, as well as the devoicing of the sibilants /z/ and //. The analysis of the correlations among these linguistic variables and social factors such as gender, class and L1 shows a number of patterns of sociolinguistic variation in phonological variables that have scarcely been researched before using quantitative methods. The informants of the study were adolescents from Barcelona and its metropolitan area.

Key words: language variation, xava Catalan, linguistic variable, social variable, prestige, Barcelona.


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Secció monogràfica. La sociolingüística de la variació en l’àmbit de la llengua catalana