Experiences in spreading the use of Catalan in leisure education. The education for language workshops


  • Carles Palau i Puig Tallers per la Llengua


language policy and planning, promotion of social use, youth, leisure, social cohesion.


In order to make a language «cool» and spread its use, in the first place a seduction strategy needs to be established. For the Language Workshops, in the current context of Catalan, this strategy necessarily implies working with the prestige and dignity of the language. Language prejudices (such as the idea that Catalan is a minority language) must be done away with and the language must be developed with confidence and respect. This paper describes in detail the various sessions that are run by the Language Workshops with the aim to improve the linguistic attitudes and habits of various population profiles. One of these sessions is the Education for Language Workshop (TEL). Addressed to compulsory secondary education and upper secondary education students, it seeks to eliminate prejudices and promote respect for linguistic diversity. Also described here is the Personal Linguistic Space Workshop (TELP), addressed to persons with a certain linguistic awareness, which seeks to modify behaviours, working on linguistic assertiveness. The paper concludes by presenting the initiative «Spread Catalan in your neighbourhood», a game that has been awarded the prize of the Tarragona City Council’s Language Policy Service.

Key words: language policy and planning, promotion of social use, youth, leisure, social cohesion.


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Secció monogràfica II. El català mola? Competències, representacions i usos de la llengua en l’àmbit juvenil