The linguistic transmission of Catalan: the current state of affairs and analytical assessment


  • Antoni Mas i Miralles Universitat d’Alacant, Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana
  • Brauli Montoya Abat Universitat d’Alacant, Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana


This article is set out in three parts. Firstly, an introduction deals with the need to regard transmission, which includes interruption and revernacularisation, as a process that is essential for understanding the sociolinguistic reality of a language. The analysis is based on the theoretical principles of social psychology, sociology and sociolinguistics. Secondly, there is a brief summary of the status of the studies which have been carried out so far in Catalan on this topic, both from a quantitative and qualitative point of view. Finally, the conclusion outlines some suggestions and proposals including the need for a specific theoretical-methodological framework and specific terminology, the importance of using this type of analysis, combined with quantitative and qualitative aspects and the possibility of redirecting planning towards the recovery of the Catalan language within the family sphere.

KEY WORDS: transmission, interruption, revernacularisation, sociolinguistics, substitution.


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Secció monogràfica. La sociolingüística catalana. Balanç i reptes de futur