The normalization process of Catalan in the media: notes on research developments, 1980-2010


  • Josep Gifreu


The goal of this paper is to offer an initial comprehensive approach to the research undertaken over the past thirty years on the normalisation processes of the Catalan language in conventional media (press, radio and television) and the new digital media. Firstly, a summary is made of the relationship between linguistic and political communication policies associated with the normalisation processes used by themedia (planning status). Secondly, a study is made of the general standardisation process of the Catalan language in themedia (planning corpus). Lastly, the implementation processes and scope of Catalan in the media are assessed (scope of use).

KEY WORDS: Catalan language, normalisation of Catalan, Catalan mass-media, language policies, communication policies, public communication.


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Secció monogràfica. La sociolingüística catalana. Balanç i reptes de futur