War and political use of video on Instagram: President Zelensky’s strategy in the Ukraine-Russia conflict



political communication, social networks, video, Instagram, spectacularization, Zelensky.


The figure of the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has had a major international impact as a result of the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine in February 2022. One of the factors that has led to this has been the effective management of his image on Instagram. For this reason, this study takes a closer look at Zelensky’s communication strategy on that platform through an analysis of his videos during the first month of the conflict. The sample is made up of 142 videos published on his personal profile, and a review is made of their format, impact and level of spectacularization. The President of Ukraine preferentially uses video and broadcasts in two types of formats: professionalized speeches to reinforce his image as a statesman and testimonials (selfies) to show that he is close to the people. Both of them generate interest in the audience. Features of political spectacularization are observed in the strategic management of spontaneity and in the high level of personalization of the leader. 


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Author Biographies

Maite Plazas-Olmedo, Universitat Jaume I

Personal investigador en formació 

Pablo López-Rabadán, Universitat Jaume I

Professor titular i vicedegà del grau de periodisme



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How to Cite

Plazas-Olmedo, M., & López-Rabadán, P. (2023). War and political use of video on Instagram: President Zelensky’s strategy in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’Ànàlisi, 40(1), 73–99. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TC/article/view/150464


