About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Comunicació. Revista de recerca i d'anàlisi is a scientific journal published by the Catalan Communication Society. It considers previously unpublished articles on communication as a social science. The journal, published twice yearly, is governed by a system of anonymous external reviewers. The journal does not charge any article processing or submission fees.

The journal Comunicació. Revista de Recerca i d'Anàlisi accepts original research articles, whether empirical or theoretical, that address any of the fields of communication. Research articles must follow the detailed guidelines below (Instructions for Authors). Bibliographic reviews are also accepted, and they should follow the same mentioned instructions.

The preferred thematic areas of the journal are as follows:

- Communication of crises and health emergencies.

- Challenges for the distribution and monetization of content in the digital age: problems, opportunities, and strategies of traditional and new actors.

- Communication policies.

- Communication and education.

- Public service media: redefining their role and challenges in the digital and multiplatform environment.

- Emerging formats and new narratives in the fields of cinema, radio, television, advertising, and video games.

- Advertising and marketing: transformations and challenges.

- Public relations studies.

- Communication offices and information agencies.

- Political communication.

- Communication and LGTBI+ and queer studies.

- Film and audiovisual communication studies.

- Audience and reception studies.

- Ethics and deontology of communication.

- Local communication.

- History of journalism and communication. Journalism studies.

- Scientific, sports, economic, international, cultural, and other forms of journalism.

- Research methodologies in communication: triangulation, experimental methods...

- Big data analysis and data journalism.

- Teaching innovation experiences in communication.

- Communication theories and public opinion.

- Journalism design, infographics, and photojournalism.