Acció cívica per fomentar actituds lingüístiques positives


  • Bernat Joan i Marí


Attitudes towards language use are diverse and they depend on social context in which a concret language is developed. There is a relationship between language attitude and civil position by people. From the field of Education one tries to create an active and critical citizenship, favourable to participate in public life. Each language normalisation process needs some conditions to make it possible: language community is to be seen from itself and also is needed a process, step by step, towards usual use of language. In this process there will be corrected some attitudes born from a lack of selfestime and it will be changed into attitudes such as language loyalty. An active citizen in this process will transfer favourable attitudes to language normality and, at the same time, he/she will improve his/her own perception on language use mecanisms.


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How to Cite

Joan i Marí, B. (2009). Acció cívica per fomentar actituds lingüístiques positives. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 6, 25–36. Retrieved from



Dossier: The International Year of Languages and the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008