De qui és la ciutat? Investigar i conèixer a través de l'entorn : iniciació al coneixement i comprensió dels elements configuradors del paisatge urbà


  • Francesc Calvo Ortega


Performing a brief theoretical approach on how to try to make a new analysis of the topic of the cityscape from a didactic standpoint, which is what this brief piece sets out to do. The study modality addressed, and within the approximate limits in which it is presented, could be called a critical paradigm of geography, in answer to our desire to detach ourselves from the ideological connotations of a classic reading of the landscape. This does not mean that the only thing that that can be established as problematic in school geography is a question of language or something similar (meta language). As the Swiss geographer Claude Raffestin states, language in geography, and the same would apply in the other social sciences, is little more than a mediator that contributes to creating a new form of viewing and understanding the reality around us.


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How to Cite

Calvo Ortega, F. (2008). <i>De qui és la ciutat?</i> Investigar i conèixer a través de l’entorn : iniciació al coneixement i comprensió dels elements configuradors del paisatge urbà. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 5, 99–111. Retrieved from



Monographic issue: Aesthetic sensitivities in the pedagogical experience