Els Espais i els temps en l'educació estètica


  • Eulàlia Collelldemont Pujadas


The times we live in are culturally characterised by the affluence of many, and divergent, perceptions and representations of reality. In this plurality of thoughts, of ways of understanding what happens and what happens to us, our view of space and time, as positioning coordinates, has a clear influence on the way the human being thinks and also on the way of thinking about the possibilities of training. From this perspective, the article attempts a polyhedric approach to the conceptions of space and time linked to the conception of todays aesthetic education of today on the basis of a revision of its inherent concepts.


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How to Cite

Collelldemont Pujadas, E. (2008). Els Espais i els temps en l’educació estètica. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 5, 15–32. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/RCP/article/view/33628.001



Monographic issue: Aesthetic sensitivities in the pedagogical experience