Recognising diversity to improve digital access. Principles and actions of the Laboratory for Digital Social Innovation



social inequality, educational technology, community education, informal educational, equal opportunity


Digital technologies have extensively formed part of our daily lives for more than a decade. Material access to technology has become increasingly popular but part of the population is still at risk of digital exclusion. With this pretext, this article describes the foundations and practices of the Laboratory for Digital Social Innovation (LISD, from the Catalan) of the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), which is committed to the development of inclusive digital practices and, through action research, accompanies processes of digital and social improvement with and for the community and, in this case in particular, with and for youth. The methodology aims to recognise the socio-digital needs of the region and to work together with the community in the construction of improvement actions from a pedagogical perspective. Along this line, so far the LISD has worked on four actions for the development of digital competences of youth, especially including the most vulnerable, and the exchange of knowledge between people from different contexts. The results show that LISD’s role should be geared towards implementing systemic actions linked to facilitating access to and use of technologies, as well as the development of digital skills among the municipality’s population. 


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How to Cite

Beneyto Seoane, M., Simó-Gil, N., Bosch-Geli, C., & Reig-Bolaño, R. (2023). Recognising diversity to improve digital access. Principles and actions of the Laboratory for Digital Social Innovation. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 23(1), 63–79. Retrieved from

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