L’Hort de les Palmes de Picanya. A new place for the residence of ladies in a war times


  • Wilson Ferrús Peris Universitat de València, Departament d’Història Comparada i Història de l’Educació. Catedràtic d’institut de Llengua i Literatura


Residence of Ladies, Women’s Group of the Residencia de Student Residence of Madrid, Hort de les Palmes, Paiporta, Picanya, JAE, education, training, culture


We have already analyzed in two previous publications the last stage of the Women’s Group of the Student Residence of Madrid, the one that lived during the civil war in Hort de les Palmes de Picanya, in Valencia. A renewal and pedagogical innovation experience that during the war became an instrument of cultural extension and popular education. An example of sisterhood of a group of women who lived in adverse circumstances of war confrontation, training themselves and training other women, building important personal relationships and providing material and emotional support between them. Now, we offer the images of the place where those women aspired, while the republican dream lasted, to be modern, emancipated, independent and free under equal conditions with men. At the same time, we provide two essential documents to know and rebuild the life and the educational action that took place in that place. The first one, the part of the Memory that refers to the Student Residence published in July 1937 by the Delegate Commission of the JAE in Valencia, and the other, the certificate that Regina Lago presented to the MIP in August 1937 with the relationship of the collaborators of the Residence and the Work Plan.






Assays and researches