Efectes postincendi en una torbera d'Escòcia


  • Núria Prat Guitart
  • Teresa Valor
  • Vladimir Krivtsov


Post-fire effects in an organic peat soil in Scotland. This article presents the direct and indirect effects of fire caused by a wildfire in organic peat soil in a Scottish example of Rothiemurchus forest during the summer of 2006. The results have been an alteration of soil properties due to the burning of accumulated organic matter that formed the base of the soil. After a year and a half since the fire, there are some changes in the physico-chemical characteristics and also a visible impact on the forest ecosystem. The possibility that the variation in climate may increase the frequency of such fires, raises the importance of underground fires in cold regions of mid and high latitudes. This article is intended to provide information on the effects of fire on peat soils in comparison to Mediterranean soil studies.


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How to Cite

Prat Guitart, N., Valor, T., & Krivtsov, V. (2012). Efectes postincendi en una torbera d’Escòcia. Treballs De La Societat Catalana De Geografia, (71-72), 93–114. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TSCG/article/view/73628.001


