A Propòsit de la dimensió espacial dels noms de lloc : algunes reflexions teòriques


  • Joan Tort i Donada


On the spatial dimension of place names. Some theoretical reflections. We develop a theoretical approach to the study of place names, or toponymy, especially considering its spatial dimension. To this end, the article includes three basic levels or sections. In the first general approach we tackle the topic and theoretical issues and conceptual. In the second we discuss the different ways in which the parameter space is related with the notion of place-name. Finally, in the third section we propose an interpretation of toponymy as a kind of language of the territory.


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How to Cite

Tort i Donada, J. (2011). A Propòsit de la dimensió espacial dels noms de lloc : algunes reflexions teòriques. Treballs De La Societat Catalana De Geografia, (70), 55–76. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TSCG/article/view/68950.001




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