Les Transformacions en l'exercici de la comunicació: periodisme, publicitat, ficció i entreteniment


  • Bernat López López


Transformations in communication practices: journalism, advertising, fiction and entertainment. Although media and communication careers have gained professional recognition over the last century, especially if compared to the careers of distinguished individuals such as Avel·lí Artís-Gener or Joan Puig i Ferreter, employment conditions remain inadequate. Companies continue to offer temporary contracts and universities, by offering too many places and by practicing academic naivety, do not do enough to improve the image of communication studies. As a result, this profession has become undervalued, a circumstance that will only change if, after the financial crisis, we begin to think globally.


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How to Cite

López López, B. (2011). Les Transformacions en l’exercici de la comunicació: periodisme, publicitat, ficció i entreteniment. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’Ànàlisi, 28(1), 9–17. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TC/article/view/67928.001



Core section: transformations in the exercise of communication: journalism, advertising, fiction and entertainment