El Papus : A satirical revolution that dominated humorous criticism in Spain from July 1975 to March 1976


  • Maria Iranzo Cabrera Departament de Teoria dels Llenguatges i Ciències de la Comunicació de la Universitat de València.


El Papus, satirical communication, weekly print runs, circulation, critical journalism, press inquiries.


This article examines how the satirical weekly magazine El Papus, which was initially inspired by and copied two groundbreaking magazines (the French Hara-Kiri and the
Spanish Barrabás), achieved one of the largest print runs and circulations in Spain in the period of July 1975 to March 1976. It reached a regular print run of 236,000 copies, while its March 1976 extra rose to 400,000. The study of the data from the Spanish Circulation Audit Bureau (OJD) has provided a detailed look at the way in which this magazine’s distribution evolved, revealing four main high points. Also discussed here is the course of El Papus’s development in response to governmental, social and communicationrelated factors.

KEYWORDS: El Papus, satirical communication, weekly print runs, circulation, critical journalism, press inquiries.


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How to Cite

Iranzo Cabrera, M. (2013). El Papus : A satirical revolution that dominated humorous criticism in Spain from July 1975 to March 1976. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’Ànàlisi, 30(1), 49–78. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TC/article/view/67169



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