La Implicació de Hollywood en la Segunda Guerra Mundial: el cas Why we fight


  • Ramon Girona i Duran


Why we Fight is a series of seven documentary films included in a wide-ranging information, training, and propaganda program commissioned by the United States army just after the U.S. entered the Second World War. The series is one of the most outstanding examples of U.S. American film rhetoric of that period and provides material for analysis on how democratic countries managed such critical phenomena as war propaganda. The objective of the present research was to delve into the complex ideology and form of this series to discover the origins, objectives, and methodology of a group of cinema specialists coordinated by director, Frank Capra all of whom had successful backgrounds in Hollywood film making.


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How to Cite

Girona i Duran, R. (2010). La Implicació de Hollywood en la Segunda Guerra Mundial: el cas <i>Why we fight</i>. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’Ànàlisi, 26, 51–59. Retrieved from



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