L'Ús del català a la premsa diària a Catalunya


  • Elena Sintes i Pascual


The present study analyzes the situation of the Catalan language in the daily general press sold in Catalonia and approaches the subject from the perspective of news companies and professionals, and the use of Catalan in their newspapers. The choice of language used in the press is a social act that takes place within a social, economic, political, and cultural context. The study emphasizes four main factors that condition such a choice: the sociolinguistic characteristics of the population; government action in the area of language and communication; the characteristics of the communication system; the context of culture, ideology, and social values. Certain business-related factors also influence which language is chose: the position of a newspaper in the various markets in which it competes, the companys cultural-biographical inheritance, and its language habits.


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How to Cite

Sintes i Pascual, E. (2008). L’Ús del català a la premsa diària a Catalunya. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’Ànàlisi, 23, 127–144. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TC/article/view/40908.001



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