Estudis culturals sobre comunicació


  • Àlvar Peris


From the standpoint of the media, cultural studies on the Valencia Country have rather limited appeal among researchers. This is probably owing to the fact that the subject matter is relatively unknown and that researchers have traditionally preferred other theoretical contexts from which to approach socialcultural analysis. At any rate, in recent years the situation seems to be improv - ing with the work of authors who are not only concerned with the culturalnational conflict of Valencian identity (which, as always, has predominated debate on the subject and which is still relevant), but who go further. Analysis of media portrayal of the problems of class, sex, and race in Valencian society and analysis of memory management open many possibilities for future studies on culture in the media.


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How to Cite

Peris, Àlvar. (2008). Estudis culturals sobre comunicació. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’Ànàlisi, 22, 257–270. Retrieved from



Communication Research in País Valencià