Els Estudis universitaris de comunicació


  • Josep Lluís Gómez i Mompart
  • Francesc Andreu Martínez Gallego


In 2007, of the seven universities in the Valencia Country, six granted one or more of the three existing degrees in communication sciences. Five of these universities are public (Universitat dAlacant, Universitat Jaume I, Universitat Politècnica de València, Universitat Miguel Hernández, and Universitat de València) and one is private (Universidad Cardenal Herrera - CEU). From 1986 to 2005 programs in communication sciences were established in these universities. The academic histories of each centre and their unique differences deriving from specific programs, researchers and, in some cases, political-ideological bents, have contributed to the outlook of their respective faculties and to the development of the education of future communication professionals and researchers. Insights into the personality of each university and the uniqueness of each centre help in understanding the level of research achieved in the field of communication and provide a context for the scope and direction of the various lines of the research described in the other articles in the present monograph.


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How to Cite

Gómez i Mompart, J. L., & Martínez Gallego, F. A. (2008). Els Estudis universitaris de comunicació. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’Ànàlisi, 22, 29–46. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TC/article/view/40008.001



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