Telephone communication with patients’ relatives: A meta-synthesis



patient-centred communication, telehealth, healthcare professional-family relations, telephone communication, patient-centred care, hidden costs.


The relationship between doctor and patient has evolved over time and the paternalistic attitudes that were held for centuries have been progressively superseded by patientcentred medicine, in which communication plays a key role. The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced serious challenges in this field. This investigation aims to review the scientific literature dealing with this issue, from 2015 to the end of 2021. The methodology employed has been a meta-synthesis, allowing the review and analysis of different qualitative studies. Some differences have been found between the pre- and post-pandemic periods, together with a lack of theoretical corpus. Telehealth will grow in the years to come and so will distance communication, so it is necessary to consider all possible drawbacks and risks and mitigate them before they may turn into serious problems, such as issues related to patient safety, security, and confidentiality; hidden costs; lack of training; or the digital breach. 


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Author Biographies

Ara Ayora, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Màster en comunicació i informació científica i doctoranda
en comunicació de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Membre del Grup de Recerca en Comunicació Científica (GRECC).

Carme Nogueras, Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol

Doctora en psicologia. Metgessa especialista
en geriatria i medicina interna.
Departament de Geriatria de l’Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol.


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How to Cite

Ayora, A., & Nogueras, C. (2023). Telephone communication with patients’ relatives: A meta-synthesis. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’Ànàlisi, 40(1), 183–207. Retrieved from


