Animation pioneers in the post Spanish Civil War period in Catalonia


  • Teresa Martínez Figuerola Doctora en disseny per la Universitat de Barcelona i coordinadora del Grup de Recerca en Disseny i Transformació Social (GREDITS), Bau, Centre Universitari de Disseny de Barcelona.
  • Xavier Cubeles Bonet Professor del Departament de Comunicació de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra i membre d’EURECAT, Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya, Barcelona.
  • Maria Pagès Llicenciada en comunicació audiovisual i col·laboradora de la línia Memòria Històrica i Identitat Cultural en el Disseny del Grup de Recerca en Disseny i Transformació Social (GREDITS), Barcelona.


pioneers, film industry, animation, Catalonia, post Spanish Civil War period, political culture.


This paper presents the results of the research carried out on the origin and development of the animation industry in Catalonia during the post Spanish Civil War period. More specifically, it focuses on the period of 1942-1951, a golden age in terms of creativity and enterprising spirit in the Catalan animation industry. Several different projects were carried out in the city of Barcelona despite the adverse conditions and the complicated context. Some of the works produced during this period were distributed and applauded internationally. The text is divided in four sections: 1) political, economic and cultural context; 2) business projects; 3) creative talent, and 4) final considerations.

KEYWORDS: pioneers, film industry, animation, Catalonia, post Spanish Civil War period, political culture.


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How to Cite

Martínez Figuerola, T., Cubeles Bonet, X., & Pagès, M. (2016). Animation pioneers in the post Spanish Civil War period in Catalonia. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’Ànàlisi, 33(1), 53–74. Retrieved from


