Evolució de la producció multimèdia a la Xarxa : del model editorial al model interactiu


  • Xavier Ribes i Guàrdia


This article is an overview of the evolution of Web-based multimedia production. The author argues that the technological limitations entailing problems on the Web are similar to the problems which off-line computer methods had to deal with in their day. These problems are related primarily to the way in which the information is displayed on the screen, the speed with which the user can access information, and the elements which are used in the production of messages. In short, the Internet has had to find its own solutions in order to deal with these problems.


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Com citar

Ribes i Guàrdia, X. (2003). Evolució de la producció multimèdia a la Xarxa : del model editorial al model interactiu. Comunicació. Revista De Recerca I d’anàlisi, 17, 49–59. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TC/article/view/871.001



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