Editorial Policies

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Team will assess the work for it to be published after the following verifications:
  • adequacy of the thematic field and the interest of the article in accordance with the editorial criteria of the journal.
  • fulfilment of the formal presentation requirements demanded by the journal.
All manuscripts that meet these requirements will be submitted to the double-blind review system by at least two specialists in the topic of the article.
The comments that the reviewers eventually make will be known by the Editorial Team and by the authors, if the evaluators consider so.
The Editorial Team of the journal will communicate to the authors the resolution of the reviewers, which can be:
  • acceptance of the work to be published
  • article dismissal
  • proposal for modification and improvement, with specific indications, so that it can be reviewed again and, when appropriate, published.
The Management of the journal reserves the right to accept or reject articles based on external reports, as well as to introduce style modifications or cut texts that exceed the permitted length, with the commitment to respect the original content.
The criteria on which the decision of the Editorial Team of the journal to accept or not the works is based are the following:
  • originality
  • current
  • relevance
  • methodological quality
  • presentation (organization, logical coherence, and narrative ease).