"Aprendre a aprendre" a l'escola i a l'institut. Desenvolupament de la competència d'"aprendre a aprendre" a l'educació obligatòria


  • Joan Saballs Teixidó


"Learning to learn" in primary and secondary schools. Developing "Learning to learn" skills in compulsory education. The introduction of learning to learn as a key skill that needs to be attained du- ring compulsory education is consistent with the idea of preparing an individual for a changing, competitive, globalised, technological world, where information flows freely. The capacity to learn independently, critically and creatively is therefore fundamental for achieving full integration into society and for personal and professional development. Girls and boys learn many things at school (perhaps too many!). While learning them, they have to pay attention to the internal process that they implement to learn. We are, therefore, positioning ourselves in a metacognitive perspective. Throughout compulsory schooling, it is about pupils gradually being able to analyse and understand the way they obtain, process and organise information, that is to say, the way they learn. The article begins by characterising these key skills (KSs) in official documents and proposes the existence of seven areas or dimensions that should be taken into account for their development: a) knowing what we want to learn (objectives); b) developing cognitive skills to make that possible; c) being aware of ones strengths and weaknesses; d) being aware of strategies and techniques; e) recognising and regulating emotional aspects; f) intervention by others and, g) creating an environment. Finally, the paragraphs at the end of the article are given over to posing a number of questions that should be taken into account in the step towards practice.


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How to Cite

Saballs Teixidó, J. (2012). "Aprendre a aprendre" a l’escola i a l’institut. Desenvolupament de la competència d’"aprendre a aprendre" a l’educació obligatòria. Revista Catalana De Pedagogia, 7, 137–162. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/RCP/article/view/71648.001



Monographic issue: competences, curriculum and pedagogical systems. The why of things