Attitude and commitment of road training teachers for safe mobility throughout life Authors José Tello Sánchez DOI: 10.2436/20.3007.01.205 Keywords: road safety education, changing attitudes, trainer training, accident prevention, safe mobility Abstract In the present study, the effectiveness of a course based on the attitude change model on the training of road traffic training teachers in their teacher competence development throughout life is evaluated, which allows a subsequent replication in their students. For this, the predisposition and commitment to teaching safe driving was measured, using a non-experimental research design of the longitudinal panel type, and applying two questionnaires in their natural environment. The analysis of results shows that the course offers improvements in the predisposition to teach safe driving and its commitments, observing significant improvements in the results of women, which occur in all motivation factors, commitment with zero risk, conviction, teaching speed control, and more accentuated in the transmission of feelings. In turn, it is shown that the participants who have shown better scores in the questionnaire have shown better commitments, interpreting this fact as positive by consolidating the comprehensive training style designed for adaptable applicability throughout their lives. professional performance. Downloads Download data is not yet available. References Albarracín, D., Johnson, B., Zanna, M., & Kumkale, G. (2005). Attitudes: Introduction and scope. The handbook of attitudes. Anabel Betsy, M. L. (2018). Ventajas y desventajas del muestreo probabilístico y no probabilístico en investigaciones científicas. En Examen complexivo. 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